
The DC Summer Math Institute was founded in 2014 to provide a summer enrichment opportunity in math for 5th through 8th graders in the DC metro area.  With only limited local math summer enrichment options available to students, we felt it was important to design a program that would extend students’ mathematical knowledge and problem-solving skills while presenting them with topics that they had not yet explored during the school year.   

Initially in person, we shifted to the online platform in 2020. Not only did this allow students to access our program from anywhere in the world, but it also enabled us to expand the number of students we could serve, since we were no longer restricted by space limitations. 

As the years progressed, it became clear that there was a clear need for summer review and preparation in addition to enrichment. In 2023 and 2024, we added summer math review workshops to round out our offerings so that students could solidify their skills entering their math class in the fall.  Our principal instructor, Andrew Callard, decided to expand the DC Summer Math Institute’s private tutoring options, both during the school year and the summer, to include individual tutoring and small group tutoring. This enabled students to both continue to pursue the enrichment topics that might have excited them over the summer during the school year, and to address any gaps in their understanding on a weekly basis.

Student testimonial

"The online DC Summer Math Institute program was truly an amazing experience!! I learned so much without having to leave my house, and the teachers were so helpful, teaching us how to navigate the IPad and use all its of problem-solving tools. It also allowed us to engage with our peers even more than if we were in person. I can’t wait to do it again next summer!!"